Monday, November 28, 2011

Review for 'Bini-biniku Gangster'

Last time,I got phobia to watch local movies...
Why??Hehe,because the acting is in slow motion,all actors and actresses in the movies "menghayati" the moment too much...I don't the angles of shooting of the movies also,make me headache! 

So far,Puteri Gunung Ledang and Bini-biniku Gangster is the most favorite Malay movies I watched..
Both of them are made in Malaysia,that's what I am proud of! :)

I felt want to watch the movie when I saw the advertisement on TV 
(the power of advertisement to persuade people again)
Some more,the story seems interesting to me,when it comes to female gangsters (normally guys right??)...
Let me bring you some stories about Bini-biniku Gangster. It is been screen on 22 September 2011 in Malaysia, directed by Malaysia famous director, Ismail Hashim. There are Shaheizy Sam (Henry), Yana Samsudin (Manja), Intan Ladyana (Reanna), Zalif Sidek (Mat Saja), and Zul Handyblack (Muza) as the actors and actresses in Bini-biniku Gangster.

Haha,the story is talking about Henry,husband for Manja and Reanna. Manja is the head of a gangster group while Reanna is sister of Min Siam who is the head of opposite site of gangster group of Manja.

Actually the story line of the movie is just so-so only...because you already know the contain of the story when you read the title of movie. Bini-biniku- there is a husband got more than two wives and the husband is the narrative,gangster-the wives fight to each other...
But,it comes to interesting to see how the husband gonna fix the pie... ^_^

I feel quite disappointed to the end of the movie. I thought something romantic like the 1st wife will leave the husband due to his safety reason...or the second wife die in some make the movie happily ever after...
But,the story end with the husband also a gangster...
Suppose,this should be the climax,but i didn't feel any climax in my brain...
Only thing is, Wooooooooooooo...Gelinya topeng dia.... =_=

But,never mine,they still did a great job in the movie...
Hope to watch high quantity of Malaysia movies soon which high quality...
Peace!! ^_^

~J&G Forever~

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